02-2 : Persistent Bugger


Approach 1: Recursion + Helper Function

Recursive helper function that returns the product result of multiplying the digits of a number together
>>> multiplyDigits(43) 
function multiplyDigits(num){
  if (num <= 9){
    return num
  else {
    return num % 10 * multiplyDigits(Math.floor(num / 10))

Recursive function that returns the count of the multiplicative persistence.
function persistence(num) {
  if (num <= 9){
    return 0
    return 1 + persistence(multiplyDigits(num))

We can define a recursive helper function that will calculate the product of multiplying each digit in a number. In our primary recursive function, persistence, we can track the sum of the multiplicative persistence and return the result.

Approach 2: Recursion + Helper Function + Ternary Operator

Recursive helper function that returns the product result of multiplying the digits of a number together
>>> multiplyDigits(43) 
function multiplyDigits(num){
  return num < 10 ? num : num % 10 * multiplyDigits(Math.floor(num / 10))

Recursive function that returns the count of the multiplicative persistence.
function persistence(num){
  return num < 10 ? 0 : 1 + persistence(multiplyDigits(num))

We can retain the same logic as in approach #1 with the addition of using the ternary operator. This is a more succinct way of writing the solution.